Seeking the ageless wise woman
Today, I’m thinking of the ageless wise woman. When I wake up in the morning, I often spend a few minutes lying still, listening to my body and thankful that I’m alive for another day. Most days have a schedule. But on days that don’t, I like to choose an intention and see if I can work on it throughout the day. Some days, I think of who I might see and what question I might ask of them.
Characteristics of the wise woman
Who is this wise woman? She is the one who knows all things from a feminine perspective. I don’t think there is such a being within one person, but I try to look for core characteristics in the many people, female and male, who I will meet today.
Business woman, author and broadcaster Lynne Franks’ presents wise women traits in this TEDxWhitehallWomen video. In it, she notes traits of responsibility, connection, laughter, creativity, leadership, teaching, nurturing, confidence-building, mentoring, integrity, courage, and bridge-building to generations of the future. I’m also reminded of the Hindu goddess Kali, who is a creator but also known for being a destroyer of what is no longer helpful, especially the dark forces.
I’ve been fortunate to know many wise women. They show strength, vulnerability, compassion, humility, respect, love. They use their smarts, experience, and hearts to make the world a better place.
Here are a few other ideas about the wise woman:
- The section about Wise Old Woman and Wise Old Man, from Dreams-Myths-Symbols, describes these figures in terms of Jungian archetypes and mana personalities, stage three of a human’s individuation process.
- Ms. Franks also notes in her presentation a quote by the Dali Lama at the Vancouver Peace Summit, in September 2009, that western women will rescue the world.
- This fascinating TED Radio Program presentation by Adora Svitak, age twelve, focuses on what wisdom adults can learn from kids. It is part of a larger themed TED Radio Program, focusing on becoming wise.
Which energies do I need most today?
Hmmm. Is it laughter, creativity, leadership, mentoring, courage, letting go of something… or something else I need today? When the opportunity is here, will I serve as a mentor to another? How will I make the world a better place for the generations of the future? What can I contribute? How does my purpose today fit into the purpose for my life?
About Today with the Wise Woman

With May’s celebration of Mothers Day, I created this encaustic mixed-media painting in honor of the many wise women in the world. I used my favorite turquoise to surround the rust-colored feminine symbol, which also happens to be the sign and the color for the planet Venus. The tiny round glass beads fit nicely with the larger copper staff with the carved bead. The short poem encircling the symbol leads to the bigger note: “Today With the Ageless Wise Woman.” It’s companion painting, Today With the Wise Man, is my next post.
⇒ For information about purchasing this artwork and/or its companion art, contact Janet Fox.