Two Dream Artworks in International Association for the Study of Dreams 2021 Conference – Art Exhibition

Dream-inspired artwork by Janet Fox in the International Association for the Study of Dreams 2021 Conference Dream Art Exhibition…
Shedding Fear

Shedding Fear Shedding Fear is an original encaustic mixed media painting inspired by a series of vivid dreams which began many years ago. In each of the dreams, a bright red snake takes center stage. Most often, it is a scarlet boa constrictor. In the following dream, however, a scarlet cobra is the main character… […]
Seven Directions Mandala

Seven Directions Mandala Sometime in the 1990’s, I went to a workshop to learn how to make a seven-sided drum head. A Native American man led the workshop and shared a beautiful story of a quest. Each side of the drum head represented one day in the story. Although I no longer recall his story […]
She Chi

She Chi or feminine energy She Chi is an original, 7-panel, encaustic mixed media painting inspired by an amazing springtime dream that went something like this… Once upon a dreamscape, a woman was spending a quiet spring evening in a peaceful secluded park at the edge of a forest. Positioned up a bit on a […]
CityScape Escape

Escaping in a Cityscape I recently took a trip to Brooklyn, New York, to relax, see some art, and enjoy the cityscape. While there, I visited the awesome artworks in the Brooklyn Museum. Here’s a bit of how my rejuvenating day went… First of all, imagine having a yummy brekky and a spiced chai concoction […]
Connections: lines, circles, spaces between

Connections hold us together With so much us-vs-them energy in the external world, I needed a reminder of our many complicated, beautiful and often unseen connections. Whether I like it or not, I’m part of a fantastic web and an action in one spot ripples throughout in mysterious ways. When I am upset, I can […]