She and Her Shadows

encaustic painting of woman wearing a turquoise and copper headband with red feather with her dark and golden shadows

She and Her Shadows One of the fascinating concepts I learned about over the years in dream study is that of the shadow. The negative or dark shadow, according to psychologist Carl Jung, holds those unconscious aspects of ourselves that we don’t want anyone, and most often not even ourselves, to acknowledge. These aspects are […]

Merci Mère Thanks Mother

Merci Mère Thanks Mother Merci Mère (Thanks Mother) is an original, encaustic mixed media painting. With aqua, gold and ivory paint and papers, as well as shellac burn technique, it includes these simple words from a French storybook dictionary. Creating something new, without a specific outcome in mind, can be a wonderfully relaxing process. In […]

Finding That Elusive Perfect Fit

Image of an encaustic painting by Janet Fox titled "Squound Hole, Rare Peg"

Squound seeking rare Sometimes I feel like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole. Other times, I feel like a square hole, seeking a round peg. In both situations, the fit just isn’t quite right. When I can stretch myself in the direction of something where I don’t usually fit, I feel […]

Gatherings Connect Us With Others

We are social beings Gatherings come in many forms, presenting opportunities to connect with others. My favorites include shared meals, parties, meetings, workshops, concerts, walks, campfires and watching a sunset or moonrise with others. And although emotionally more difficult, gatherings due to an illness, death or significant loss can be especially important to express grief […]

Balancing Act

Running, jumping, balancing… yes! Dreamscape… I’m in a fitness center, walking on a treadmill while a small group gathers on nearby mats for an aerobics class. The instructor begins class and everyone starts moving to the music. I like the music and find myself walking to the beat. I’m having fun and before I realize […]

Holding It All Together

What are the ties that connect and hold us together? Recent conversations with a family member have got me to thinking about my grandparents, great-grandparents and the many relatives in the generations that came before. Where did they come from? What kinds of lives did they have? What were they like? Shared genes, names, homes, […]