Shedding Fear

Image of an encaustic painting by Janet Fox of shedded snake skin with a miniature paper clay snake replica on a red feather.

Shedding Fear Shedding Fear is an original encaustic mixed media painting inspired by a series of vivid dreams which began many years ago. In each of the dreams, a bright red snake takes center stage. Most often, it is a scarlet boa constrictor. In the following dream, however, a scarlet cobra is the main character… […]

Seven Directions Mandala

An encaustic mandala painting "Seven Directions Mandala" by Janet Fox with rainbow colors

Seven Directions Mandala Sometime in the 1990’s, I went to a workshop to learn how to make a seven-sided drum head. A Native American man led the workshop and shared a beautiful story of a quest. Each side of the drum head represented one day in the story. Although I no longer recall his story […]

She Chi

Close-up image of an encaustic mixed media painting by Janet Fox titled "She Chi."

She Chi or feminine energy She Chi is an original, 7-panel, encaustic mixed media painting inspired by an amazing springtime dream that went something like this… Once upon a dreamscape, a woman was spending a quiet spring evening in a peaceful secluded park at the edge of a forest. Positioned up a bit on a […]

The Little Girl’s Dream

A sneak peek of "The Little Girl's Dream," an encaustic artwork

The Little Girl’s Dream is an encaustic painting reflecting on the earliest dream I recall ever having. The image above is a sneak peek at part of it. I’ll present about both at DREAM ART: Connecting to the Dream World through Art, Annilee Oppenheimer and Janet Fox, at the Jung Society of Washington on Friday […]

Dreamer’s Orb Cooling Irons in the Fire

The dreamer’s dreamscape… I’m in a big city, sometime during the daylight. I’m positioned high enough to see onto the flat rooftops of multi-story buildings. On one in particular, I see a small group of burly men working with vats of molten iron. The first man, with dark hair and closest to the roof’s edge, […]