Ode to Scarlet

3D encaustic mixed media art asplecius staff coiled scarlet snake turquoise beads copper wire red feathers

Ode to Scarlet Created for Dance of Dreams Exhibit Thank you to everyone who joined us for the “Dance of Dreams” Art Exhibit Reception on September 27, 2019. The show ended October 31, 2019. As part of the reception, Special Guest Dancer May Kesler performed interpretive dances focused on two of my 12 dream art […]

Janet Fox Featured Artist Simon Says Yoga – Sept 27 Reception

Janet Fox Featured Artist Reception – Dance of Dreams Art Exhibit You’re invited to my “Dance of Dreams” Art Exhibit Reception at Simon Says Yoga to see many of my dream-inspired artworks. Special Guest May Kesler will perform interpretive dances for two of the dream paintings. Located at 4611 Sangamore Rd, Bethesda, MD 20816, the […]

Shedding Fear

Image of an encaustic painting by Janet Fox of shedded snake skin with a miniature paper clay snake replica on a red feather.

Shedding Fear Shedding Fear is an original encaustic mixed media painting inspired by a series of vivid dreams which began many years ago. In each of the dreams, a bright red snake takes center stage. Most often, it is a scarlet boa constrictor. In the following dream, however, a scarlet cobra is the main character… […]

Seven Directions Mandala

An encaustic mandala painting "Seven Directions Mandala" by Janet Fox with rainbow colors

Seven Directions Mandala Sometime in the 1990’s, I went to a workshop to learn how to make a seven-sided drum head. A Native American man led the workshop and shared a beautiful story of a quest. Each side of the drum head represented one day in the story. Although I no longer recall his story […]

Sleep Talking With Pisces

Image of an encaustic painting by Janet Fox titled "Two Fish in the Pool."

Two Fish (Pisces) in the Pool Sleep-time dreams have fascinated me since I was a child. Often, I wake up with an adventure of some kind to write down in my dream journal. But when I awoke on a late February morning, I had no memory of a dream. Instead, I learned that I had […]