Pandora’s Box of Hope

What a Year it’s Been! Hard to believe, but what has felt like the longest year has passed since the novel coronavirus and COVID-19 disease came into our lives and turned our world upside-down. We’ve faced so much – together but also alone: the unknown, fear, panic, confusion, isolation, sickness, lingering symptoms, deaths of loved […]

She and Her Shadows

encaustic painting of woman wearing a turquoise and copper headband with red feather with her dark and golden shadows

She and Her Shadows One of the fascinating concepts I learned about over the years in dream study is that of the shadow. The negative or dark shadow, according to psychologist Carl Jung, holds those unconscious aspects of ourselves that we don’t want anyone, and most often not even ourselves, to acknowledge. These aspects are […]

Shedding Fear

Image of an encaustic painting by Janet Fox of shedded snake skin with a miniature paper clay snake replica on a red feather.

Shedding Fear Shedding Fear is an original encaustic mixed media painting inspired by a series of vivid dreams which began many years ago. In each of the dreams, a bright red snake takes center stage. Most often, it is a scarlet boa constrictor. In the following dream, however, a scarlet cobra is the main character… […]

Sleep Talking With Pisces

Image of an encaustic painting by Janet Fox titled "Two Fish in the Pool."

Two Fish (Pisces) in the Pool Sleep-time dreams have fascinated me since I was a child. Often, I wake up with an adventure of some kind to write down in my dream journal. But when I awoke on a late February morning, I had no memory of a dream. Instead, I learned that I had […]

Merci Mère Thanks Mother

Merci Mère Thanks Mother Merci Mère (Thanks Mother) is an original, encaustic mixed media painting. With aqua, gold and ivory paint and papers, as well as shellac burn technique, it includes these simple words from a French storybook dictionary. Creating something new, without a specific outcome in mind, can be a wonderfully relaxing process. In […]